I awoke at 10:30 and added the notes for yesterday. Today we’re going to check out the local beach here in Inchydony and tonight we’re going to Cork City. We’ve been invited to a session at the Corner House Pub, led by Macdara O’Faolain and his wife Victoria. I became aware of Macdara as an instrument maker, he builds Irish bouzoukis, very beautiful ones. To view his work go here, http://www.mofluthier.com. He and I have exchanged emails regarding instrument making. More recently I became aware of what a fine musician he is. Raidiona Gaeltachta is a show on RTE, the Irish broadcasting network. The videos are posted on YouTube. The broadcast is in Irish Gaelic, no translation offered but it isn’t really necessary. I would recommend you to the show, there are some magnificent performances and Macdara is featured with Edel Fox, concertina, Neil Byrne, fiddle and Macdara on bouzouki. It’s a great performance by all three. Macdara is the youngest and plays beautifully, for a young man he is already very accomplished. It will be a pleasure to play alongside him.